Mission & Development Project -Phase 2 B in 2009
At a Council Meeting held on 24th February 2009, we put our trust in God and took the final step of our ‘Mission Development Project’. We agreed to start work on the refurbishment of the upstairs of the former caretaker’s cottage; which had remained empty since Phase 1 in 2008.
This was to be a complete restoration and new works needed, in order to turn it into a large 2 bedroom Flat; which will give the church a steady source of income in the years’ ahead. We secured a loan of £60,000 from the Circuit Advance Fund over 5 years, to assist us with the refurshishment. The work also involved the complete disconnection of the church organ bellows, which were moved into the loft of the cottage from its former 1st floor positon.
Rev. Billy Slatter had been advised by the Circuit that Samares Methodist Church had a Lay Worker, Andrew Bird, who was looking for alternative accommodation.
So with rental guaranteed from the circuit; council agreed to proceed.Andrew and Monica Bird moved into the flat in August 2009 and left the island for Andrew to attend Theological College in order to become an ordained minister, the following year in September 2010. The flat was then let on a commercial basis through a Letting Agency, in order for us to continue repayment of the total outstanding for this refurbishment. After some additional extra remedial work to install a central heating system off our main boiler; and with some assistance from the circuit, the loan was finally cleared by August 2014.
We finish with the words from the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:v21....... “The master was full of praise. ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant.
You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!”