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Welcome to Ebenezer Methodist Church which is part of the Jersey Circuit, situated in the lovely northern Parish of Trinity.
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Upcoming events
Sunday 26th January
10:30am - 11:30am -
Sunday service
Sunday 2nd February
10:30am - 11:30am -
Sunday service
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Please also click on the Facebook logo which will take you directly to our Facebook page for up to date details in our weekly notices for events.
Day | Time | Activity |
Sunday | 10.30 am | Family Worship. See Circuit Plan for details. |
Friday Monthly |
2.45-4.30 pm |
'Generations'- young & senior folk come together for craft, song & a chat over tea. See our facebook page for dates. |
Friday ( Term time only) | 9.30-11.30 am. |
'Pickles ' Parents/ Carers toddler group. 'Pickles Plus' after school club twice a month - 3.15 to 4.30 pm. |
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