Church interoir after repainting & renovations
At our October 2015 Council Meeting it was agreed to proceed with the rebuilding of the 2 south windows, as the restorer said that these were beyond repair. The other 6 have been repaired where necessary.With a large donation already received it was agreed to proceed. .We held an Extraordinary Council Meeting after our church service on Sunday 31st January 2016, to request approval to go ahead.
This was agreed.
Our Treasurer explained what available funds we had towards this latest project, and after this meeting a member of our congregation approached him with a large confidential donation to ‘start the ball rolling.’
The Circuit Leadership Team were very supportive of our latest Mission Project and proposed that at the Spring Circuit meeting a request for approval of a loan for up to £10,000 to assist us with ‘cash flow’ during this very expensive project. (As you will read below, in the end we only needed to ask for £5,000 and this will be repaid in 2017.)
BBC Radio -Jersey Sunday 'Faith slot' is produced by Cathy Le Feuvre, and she has taken a keen interest in our onward mission & vision projects; so invited our Treasurer and Minister in for an update.This interview was recorded and went out on Easter Sunday morning. Our Treasurer received some phone calls from other church members around the island who heard this interview, and wished to donate towards this latest project.We kept the congregation informed of these further donations and each time we received more, which took us up the total cost for these 2 windows.
Our Leadership Team decided that with the scaffolding and funds in place, it would also be prudent to rebuild the other south window, which is above the church entrance porch.
This would cost an extra £ 4,000, and our congregation were informed of their Leadership Teams’ decision, as we had not held another Ext. Council meeting to approve this latest expenditure.
Again, a member has recently come forward and made a donation to cover this cost in memory of her brother who was a stalwart of Ebenezer until his death aged nearly 100.
Work on these 3 south windows should be completed by end of September 2016 at a cost of £28,000.Not only will they now be safe; they will also look as they did when installed in 1892. They will also cut out the draughts and noise from the road in front of church !
At our Council Meeting due in October 2016 we will decide whether we are able to proceed with the last items on our 2012 Quinqennial Report
Another amazing journey of faith.